Marta Bledniak, L.L.M.

Of counsel, avocat (French lawyer), sworn translator of French language

Runs a law firm in Strasbourg, France. For more than a dozen years, she has been advising entrepreneurs in Poland, Germany and France doing business in France on international trade and investment, e-commerce and international labor law; She represents clients in litigation in France, including business and labor cases on the employer's side. She also represents employers in cases involving the posting of employees to France and provides training on the subject.

On a daily basis, it serves companies in the manufacturing, construction, e-commerce, marketplace, TSL (transportation, shipping, logistics) and other industries.

She worked for many years with renowned law firms in Paris, Toulouse and Hamburg. She graduated from the University of Mannheim (L.L.M Magister Legum) and the Faculty of Law at the University of Wroclaw (Master of Law). Graduate of the Postgraduate Course in Private International Law and Foreign Trade Law at the Panthéon - Sorbonne University in Paris D.E.A. Droit international privé et droit du commerce international). Graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Contract Law at the Toulouse University of Social Sciences Master 2 (D.E.S.S.) Contrats et responsabilité des professionnels.

business law and contract law (including incorporation and ongoing services for commercial companies), Polish-French trade and investment, e-commerce, international and French labor law

Foreign languages
French, German, English

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